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Our organizations mission is to engage students through real world learning to promote lifelong financial capabilities. We provide high quality, reality-based educational experiences that prepare young people to understand and apply basic marketplace concepts and skills, and expose them to business-related careers.


Students Served September 2022 to June 2023


Public School Districts Served


Private and Charter Schools Served


Volunteers in 2022 - 2023

Hello. For the last 29 years we’ve taught elementary school-aged children about economics.

Economics is a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

School of Economics was founded in 1994 through collaborative efforts of the Blue Springs School District, the City of Blue Springs and local businesses. There was an identified need for teaching elementary school-aged children about economics.

Our organization’s mission is to engage students through hands-on, curriculum-based learning programs to promote lifelong financial literacy. We help them to understand and apply basic marketplace concepts and skills and expose them to business-related careers.

In 29 years, we have served over 300,000 children in the greater Kansas City area. Our program is a curriculum-based field trip aligned with grade-level learning criteria. While at SOE, students learn experientially about:

  • Having jobs and managing their earned money
  • Working as a business team
  • Producing and selling merchandise (supply and demand)

School of Economics’ financial capability program is even more important today because many children are growing up without seeing their parents use cash. Kids often don’t make the connection between swiping a card and spending. SOE helps to provide that understanding. One student recently said, “I get it. I get why mom says no and why we can’t just put something on the card.”

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about what SOE is doing, please contact us at:




Mini-Town is a simplified version of the SOE Market designed for grades 2 and 3. This program is a hands-on field trip in which students are separated into two groups, consumers and producers of food and craft items. They demonstrate how people use money to buy and sell merchandise.



SOE Market is a hands-on field trip for grades 4 through 6. In this program, students operate in their own economy and experience the demands that businesses encounter. They put the skills and knowledge they have learned in the classroom into action in a real-world work environment.


Latest Developments

A lot has happened in the past year! The School of Economics has:

  • Welcomed a new Executive Director
  • Launched our first take-home resource for students
  • Partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Kansas City

and so much more!

Download this fact sheet to read the full list of developments for 2022-2023.